Saturday, June 16, 2007


Well my husband left this morning. I dropped him and my son Auston off in the mall parking lot where my dad was waiting with his trailer. Kolby and I were so sad to see them go. Since we had to leave the house at 5:30am, Kolby fell to sleep at 8:30am for his nap. We are going to go down to the Wild Animal Park after nap time so we can keep our minds off Daddy and brother leaving. I will pick up Auston on wednsday after he get to my dad's house. Before Kolby went down for his nap he kept going outside and saying "Papa, Daddy come home now" how sad! I think that daddy being gone will be really hard on him. 3 weeks. I am also going to go and buy a trampoline maybe later tonight or tomorrow. That will keep the kids occupied too! My boys are attached to their daddy, that's a good thing. Well that is all for now, talk to you girls soon. bye bye!

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