Well I am feeling GREAT! I am over my sickness and the doctor found out another little problem I was having also. My thyroid is low and is the cause of my tiredness, headaches and lack of weight loss. My goodness, anything else??? We had a good weekend. This Saturday I am giving my dad's future wife a bridal shower, I am so excited. We are going to have a "tea party". This will be the first time I get to meet Mary's family. My dad is scedualed to get married next month.
Another cool thing is we are going camping at the beach the monday following Easter. My oldest son is excited.
This friday my husband and I are going to a concert together, Unwritten Law. One of the band members is my dad's future wife's (Mary) son. This will be the first time we see him perform. It will just be nice to have a date night with my husband.
I hope that everyones start to the week is great!