This was taken at the local park. Kolby, Auston and Mama.
Daniel and I joined our church last Sunday, it was part of a two week class. This last Sunday we had to give our testimony. I am terrible at speaking in front of people I don't know. My husband said that I did well, he better LOL. Now this Sunday we have to go up in front of church and be recognized, another fear. I have been told the only way to get over a fear is to face it.
I was born into a Christian home and family. Both sides of my family were on fire for the Lord. I went to a Christian school through the 6th grade and was baptized at the age of 10. I think that growing up in a Christian home was great, I learned a lot from my grandparents. I started public school in the 7th grade and began to rebel. I was starting a new school with no friends. I found some not so great friends. I wasn't strong in my faith at the time so it was easy for me to turn my back on God. I started smoking and cussing. I lost myself. At 19 I found myself pregnant, selling and doing drugs, and in an abusive relationship. I quit the drugs and left my abusive boyfriend. I could not think of only myself anymore. God was pulling on my heart. He never stopped, I could always feel him. I just tried to ignore it. I stayed clean until my son was 3 months old. I started to fall back into old habits again. I did manage to find a great man, who later married me and we started on a new journey together. Two years into our marriage my husband became a Christian and we stopped living the fast track life, we were hurting our family and ourselves. It has been seven years clean and sober. I thank God everyday for giving me a second chance. My family and I have benefited from being Christians everyday. We are so blessed to have two healthy boys and strong marriage. I found my way home. Thank You Father.
Wow what a powerful and inspirational testimony. Thank you so much for sharing. It truly is incredible what God can do hey? I too fell away for many years and found myself into things I later regretted. It's empowering to actually speak the truth of your past out loud. Good for you.
way to go janet! and by the way, you did great up there at the front yesterday, as well. thanks for sharing your testimony...some i knew, some i didn't know. i keep telling josh we should do testimonies at cell group to get to know each other more..what do you think?
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