We had a fun spring break this year! First, it was the first anniversary of buying our home =) We are still proud home owners. My husband received Teacher of the Year for his school & district and is up for county. We all went to dinner at Olive Garden and celebrated, the new italian donuts on their dessert menu were so YUMMY! I am so proud of my Husband, he works so hard and loves his job so much. The next night we had dinner with some fellow teacher friends, lots of laughs and "music" talk. It is always great to catch up with friends who work just as much as you (meaning my hubby) Easter was a lot of fun. My dad and step mom came up to Ramona for church and then we all went down to my Auntie's for Easter dinner. We didn't even find out about the earthquake until the next morning because we were on the road. That's why I had some frames on the floor upon our arrival home that night, lol.
We spent one of our days going out to the desert for a hike and some pictures. It was a beautiful day. We stopped in Wynola on the way back for pizza and apple pie. SOOoooOooOo GoOOoOoOod =)
After dinner one night we went to the Wild Animal Park and saw the pretty butterflies. It was just Daniel, Kolby and I. We rode the train and watched the lion roar for a while then went home.
We did have a work day too. We had a leak in the kitchen that my Uncle and Cousins came up to help fix. It was a long day and needs a little more work but it was great to spend time with family. Thank You Uncle Phil, Kate & Andrew =)
On another day we took the kids to the Stephen Birch Aquarium. It was a lot of fun. A nice relaxing day with the boys and the weather was beautiful.
A day later we headed off to Lake Elsinore to see a Storm game. My little T-baller team is also named Storm. It was fun, Kolby hadn't been to a game before so he was excited to cheer on the team. We will be talking him to a Padre game too for "Pony Day" at Petco.
On our final day of vacation we spent it at a park with family in vista. Brengle Terrace Park is a favorite spot for us, spending lots of birthdays there growing up and just hanging out. My cousin Jennifer turned 20 and we celebrated it with her at her Hello Kitty themed party. It was a great end to our Spring Break!