This Years Family Christmas Picture.
We took this picture at the Christmas Tree Lot in Ramona. It's a cut your own tree down place. The boys have a lot of fun running around the lot trying to find their tree. They have a bean bag game that you can play and win a cookie, ornament or a treeling. Fun, Fun.
I was testing out my camera's timer and snapped this great shot of Auston and I. He really is a handsome young man. I love this Season.
I have made a new friend. She is a single mom with two little boys. I can see that GOD has drawn me to be her sister in Christ. I know that there are a lot of people in need that I have come into contact with, you just have to listen really hard sometimes to who Christ has selected for you to help. I am doing that and I feel really good about myself. God has moved me and I am thrilled to dance for him.
This came from my Christmas card for this year:
Love Is God Shining Through You.
Love Is Giving What You'd Like To Receive.
Love Is Taking The Time, Even When You Don't Have The Time.
Love Is Listening With Your Heart.
Love Is Being There.
Love Is Believing In The Good, The True, And The Beautiful.
Love Is The Light Of The World.
"The Only Thing That Counts Is Faith Expressing Itself Through Love." GALATIANS 5:6